Rabu, 09 April 2014

Traditional Medication for Liver organ Cancer

The liver organ is the major organ of cleansing in the body. Consequently, liver organ tissues are continuously exposed to harmful and sensitive elements. Liver tissues can maintain harm from temporary contact with bulk of highly poisons, or long-term contact with other less poisons. Over time, the cleansing and reparative mechanism in the liver organ can become overwhelmed, which can outcome in cirrhosis and can also cause DNA harm and eventually liver organ melanoma. Thus, reducing contact with chemical poisons is a significant way to prevent liver organ melanoma. The most common poisons consist of alcohol, oral estrogens, iron excess, polycyclic fragrant hydrocarbons (found in cigarette smoke) and certain substances discovered in petrochemicals, pesticides, and chemicals. Nitrosamines are particularly harmful to the liver organ. There are over 300 nitrosamines which are discovered in cigarettes, some beauty products, latex and rubber products, beer, bread, and cured foods. Cruciferous vegetables are especially beneficial for liver organ function and may decrease the symptoms associated with liver organ melanoma. In addition to supporting cleansing, they contain substances that decrease inflammation and activate apoptosis (cell death) of melanoma tissues. Clothes extract was shown in vitro and in vivo to kill melanoma tissues and activate defense mechanisms activity. Cruciferous vegetables include: spinach, Belgium's capital seedlings, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, him, mustard green, turnips, and watercress. Because the vitamin value of these foods can be substantially reduced with cooking, it is best to eat them slightly steamed.

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